Emmanuel Macron flies to Asia to highlight France’s strategic ambitions in the “Indo-Pacific”

Emmanuel Macron takes off on Sunday November 13 for a long journey in Asia, from the G20 summit in Bali (Indonesia) to that of Apec (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum) in Bangkok (Thailand), where its presence will illustrate France’s roots and strategic ambitions in the “Indo-Pacific”.

In Bali, Ukraine will be at the center of the G20, or rather G19, discussions on Tuesday and Wednesday, with a major absentee, Russian President Vladimir Putin who, after a long suspense, finally withdrew. Paris is waiting for a clear message from “club of 20” in the direction of Russia, which must enter as soon as possible into “a logic of de-escalation”explained the French presidency on Friday.

A number of G20 countries such as China and India have so far remained very cautious, refusing to condemn the Russian offensive in Ukraine or indirectly expressing reservations as the conflict takes hold. The French president, who will arrive in Bali on Monday evening, will meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday, as well as with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Indonesian President Joko Widodo.

Emmanuel Macron will then go to Bangkok (Thailand) for an Apec summit, Thursday and Friday, where France will be the first European state invited. Apec brings together 21 countries, from China, South Korea, Malaysia and Vietnam to Canada, the United States and Chile. This invitation “historical” mark it “acknowledgement” by countries in the area of ​​our “Indo-Pacific agenda”believes the French presidency.

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Emmanuel Macron has made this vast area ranging from the East African coasts to the West American coasts a strategic priority, where France has many territories and maritime areas. France holds most of its exclusive economic zone (EEZ) there, the second in the world, around seven territories, from Reunion to New Caledonia, where it has 1.65 million nationals. The French president will continue next Saturday with the XVIIIth Summit of La Francophonie in Djerba in Tunisia, the occasion “discuss with our partners” on the “advanced” and “avenues for future cooperation”according to the Elysee.

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