Emmanuel Macron facing “this enormous scourge”: the president ready to act

With her company Shauna Events, Magali Berdah has made a name for herself in the digital world and social networks by accompanying personalities including Nabilla Benattia and Jazz Correia. A multi-faceted businesswoman, she started interviewing political figures during the election campaign. She has already interviewed Eric Zemmour and Jean-Luc Mélenchon, videos revealed on his YouTube channel. “I am benevolent, I am not there to judge and condemn them but to learn and understand“, she had specified to Release. To close her adventure on the eve of the second round, she had the privilege of interviewing outgoing President Emmanuel Macron, a meeting in all simplicity and sincerity.

The influential Magali Berdah chose several angles for her interview with Emmanuel Macron, President of the Republic in office who is running for a new mandate, with as an opponent the candidate of the National Rally Marine Le Pen: youth voting who leaned in the first round for the far right, Jean-Luc Mélenchon or the abstainers. The leader was able to take the time to develop his opinion on the choices of the young generation: the dangerousness of the far right which excludes and with whom “there is no possible comparison“. Moreover, he understands the anger against social injustices and the fight for ecology, just as he has words for abstainers: “To abstain is to let others choose for oneself.” He also explains precisely how the ideas of Marine Le Pen do not correspond to the triptych of France “liberty, equality, fraternity”.

Asked about his future government in case of re-election, Emmanuel Macron wants to continue to collaborate with people from the left, right and from civil society as he has already done. Magali Berdah suggests to her interlocutor the creation of a real ministry of social networks, believing that the online bullying is one of the great evils of contemporary society. “I agree, there are plenty of plagues on the networks. Cédric O (…) is in charge of this.“He quotes in particular the number 3018 set up to offer help and listening to victims of network abuses and ensures that he takes the question with the utmost seriousness. For Magali Berdah, this question is very important. The eldest of her three daughters, Shauna, 14, was a victim and had to be dropped out of school. , while promising to think about the idea of ​​a dedicated ministry, a subject that is also very close to the heart of the first lady Brigitte Macron, a former teacher who raised awareness on this issue during her husband’s five-year term.

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