Emmanuel Macron expresses his support for the Moldovan president in the face of “Russian destabilization attempts”

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Emmanuel Macron expressed his support, Friday, March 17, to his Moldovan counterpart Maia Sandu. The President of the Republic mentioned the “Russian destabilization attempts” in his country and the “tensions they cause”, reported the Elysée. During a telephone interview, he also welcomed the “efforts” reform of Moldova, a candidate for entry into the European Union, in particular that of “justice to improve the fight against corruption”added the French presidency. Follow our live.

Moscow promises to “destroy” the fighter planes promised to kyiv. Slovakia will deliver 13 Soviet-designed MiG-29 fighters to Ukraine, the country’s prime minister has said. This announcement comes the day after that of the Polish president, who had already promised to deliver a batch of four MiG-29 fighter-bombers to kyiv. These deliveries, requested by kyiv, will be the first of this type from NATO member countries. VSthe planes will be “destroyed”warned the Kremlin on Friday, denouncing a “increasing involvement” of the countries of the Atlantic Alliance in the conflict.

The Chinese president is going to visit Russia. The Chinese Foreign Ministry has announced that Xi Jinping will visit Russia the week of March 20, at the invitation of Vladimir Putin. For their part, the United States pleads for a dialogue between kyiv and Beijing. A conversation between Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Chinese President “would be a very good thing”White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said Thursday.

No genocide in Ukraine, according to the UN. UN investigators have not observed any genocide in Ukraine since the Russian invasion. This is what Erik Mose, one of the three commissioners in charge of the investigation, told reporters on Thursday. However, they recommend further studies on this subject.

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