Emmanuel Macron expects more from the big polluters



France 3

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Invited to speak at COP26 on Monday, November 1, President Emmanuel Macron was firm and demanding of the biggest polluters on the planet. Jean-Baptiste Marteau, journalist France Télévisions, was present on site.

For the second day of the COP26, which is currently taking place in Glasgow, Scotland, Emmanuel Macron highlighted Monday, November 1 the positions taken by France for the climate, and “it’s up to the big polluters to do more for the climate”, as recalls Jean-Baptiste Marteau, journalist France Televisions present in Scotland. “Extremely harsh words against those ‘who have forgotten their values ​​since the Paris agreement six years ago’“, adds the journalist, quoting the French president.

Several countries are in the sights of Emmanuel Macron through his speech. “Without citing them, China, whose president has not even made the trip to Glasgow, Russia, or even Brazil”, specifies Jean-Baptiste Marteau. Lessons given by the French president, but no reminder of France’s commitments since the 2015 COP21. According to NGOs, Paris is far from achieving its set objectives.

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