Emmanuel Macron “early” with Brigitte: His father confides in his relationship with his stepdaughter

In his house in Amiens, where his son grew up, Jean-Michel Macron agreed to be interviewed by the newspapers of the Est Républicain group. Passionate secrets from the father of the current President of the Republic, in the running for a second term on April 24, 2022. Former professor of neurology, he delivered his memories and his point of view, keeping this modesty which characterizes members of the Macron family.

Jean-Michel and Emmanuel Macron do not see each other often, due to the presidential agenda, but his father recalls that he was present during his big meeting at La Défense Arena in Nanterre at the beginning of April. Previously, the two men had been able to meet in the house where he grew up in 2019 for the inauguration of the new faculty of sciences in Amiens.

His interview is an opportunity for Macron father to reestablish certain things about his relationship with Brigitte Macron, his stepdaughter who married his son in 2007. He refutes the idea that the young high school student fled Amiens to be able to live in complete safety. serenity his love affair with the literature teacher at La Providence high school. What one could read in the book by Anne Fulda, journalist at the Figaro, who had collected the confidences of Mr. Macron. “These are stories and children’s taleshe castigates today. From the beginning, Emmanuel had to go to his final year in Paris at the Lycée Henri-IV to enter the preparatory class more easily. Nothing has been changed. It wasn’t to run away from his current wife. This journalist whose name I don’t want to remember and who annoys me deeply has written false things.

Emmanuel showed that he was free. He assumed. Just maybe it was early“, says today the father, who says he has “good relations“with his daughter-in-law.”Alright, let’s talk. We don’t hit each other. There is no problem“, assures the man, far from the melodrama described in Anne Fulda’s book. Divorced from the president’s mother, Françoise Noguès, he has been remarried since 2010 with Hélène Joly, psychiatrist at CHS Pinel-Dury.

This rare interview allows Jean-Michel Macron to show his full support for his son. “I have a lot of admiration for the way he currently leads the state. I find that you have to have a lot of courage and that the French are very ungrateful, but that’s nothing new. (…) I approve of 90% of what he does. We never agree 100%. I am not a follower of a sect. (…) He had a lot of merit in facing up to everything that fell on his head, in particular the Covid, he believes. And, since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, “He had a lot of courage” and “there are not many European leaders who have done what he has done“.

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