Emmanuel Macron defends his record



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Thursday, November 18 at Porte de Versailles (Paris) was held the congress of mayors of France. Emmanuel Macron praised the action of elected officials during the health crisis while recalling the efforts made by the State.

Emmanuel Macron went to the Porte de Versailles (Paris) Thursday, November 18, where the congress of mayors of France was organized. In winning back the elected officials, he came to greet many of them before speaking, acknowledging his difficult beginnings with them. “It may be that there were misunderstandings at the beginning. It may also be that there were prejudices. I assume not to have been mayor, it is thus: I am not besides not the only president of the Fifth Republic not to have been mayor “, he declares, referring to General De Gaulle.

Emmanuel Macron praised the actions of mayors during the health crisis. “You have taken initiatives, been at the forefront in very concrete ways”, he praises. He also recalled the money released by the state to help them during the pandemic. A speech that did not convince some elected officials. “Emmanuel Macron is not completely, to say the least, rehashed with the mayors of France”, says Guillaume Guérin, LR president of Limoges Métropole.

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