Emmanuel Macron “deeply believes” that Christmas can take place peacefully

In the midst of a European epidemic resumption, the Head of State believes that the best response “is first of all to speed up the booster, this new dose” of vaccine.

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Emmanuel Macron “deeply believes” that Christmas can take place peacefully, despite the 5th wave of Covid-19 which affects the whole of Europe. The head of state is confident “because we have tried each time to have a proportionate response”. “We are not going to cancel all the shows, but we are going to reduce these moments of conviviality where we ate and drank in a nearby lounge”, he added on France Bleu Pays d’Auvergne on Wednesday 8 December.

“Some are forced to close their countries”, recalled the president, leading by example “very harsh measures taken in Germany”. Emmanuel Macron held greeted the “collective effort” French people with the health pass, “with an acceleration of vaccination”. “This protection decreases over time. The answer is first of all to speed up the booster, this new dose”, to reduce severe forms, he continues.

The second point put forward by the Head of State is “the use of the health pass which allows us to hold the various events, to bring our services but also our culture, our businesses, major trade fairs and major events to life.” The third point, “these are the barrier gestures, the mask, the hydrological gel”.

Emmanuel Macron affirms that this “collective effort” allowed to take “proportionate decisions”.

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