Emmanuel Macron continues to test the hypotheses of Xavier Bertrand and Bernard Cazeneuve

Nearly two months after the legislative elections, the name of the new Prime Minister is still awaited. After having received two possible contenders for Matignon on Monday, Bernard Cazeneuve and Xavier Bertrand, Emmanuel Macron continued discussions on Tuesday, September 3 and continued to test the hypothesis of the nomination of the former Prime Minister and that of the president of the Hauts-de-France region, franceinfo learned from the president’s entourage, without specifying whether one of the two options is favored. Follow our live coverage.

Interview with the leaders of the right. The head of state spoke Tuesday morning with the leaders of the right about Xavier Bertrand’s profile for the post of head of government, franceinfo and France Télévisions learned. The president spoke with the president of the Senate, Gérard Larcher, the leader of the right-wing deputies, Laurent Wauquiez, and the head of the Republican senators, Bruno Retailleau, to discuss a possible nomination of Xavier Bertrand, we learned from the entourages of Laurent Wauquiez and Bruno Retailleau.

LR deputies met at the end of the morning. Gerard Larcher, Laurent Wauquiez and Bruno Retailleau did not mention opposition to the nomination of Xavier Bertrand, but asked for guarantees on the risk of immediate censure of such a government and for details on the policy pursued, learned the political service of franceinfo from the entourage of Laurent Wauquiez. The latter organizes a meeting of Republican deputies at 11:30 a.m. to debrief his meeting with the president.

Socialists skeptical about the Thierry Beaudet hypothesis. The name of the President of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council emerged Monday among the possible profiles for Matignon. “His CV is not questionable”Olivier Faure judged on franceinfo. “I know him very little, but above all, I don’t know what political options he defends”continued the leader of the socialists. The socialist president of the Occitanie region, Carole Delga, observes for her part that the person concerned has not “never governed” neither “worked on bringing together political forces”.

Laurent Berger approached by Emmanuel Macron. The former secretary general of the CFDT was approached last week by the president for the post of Prime Minister, franceinfo learned from concordant sources. But during their meeting, Emmanuel Macron was refused by Laurent Berger, a fierce opponent of pension reform.

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