The President of the National Assembly and more than sixty deputies also seized this jurisdiction.
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A new review for the immigration bill. The Constitutional Council announced, Tuesday, December 26, that it had been contacted by three parties regarding the controversial text written a week earlier by the joint committee (CMP), then immediately adopted by Parliament.
Thus, Emmanuel Macron, but also the president of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, as well as “more than sixty deputies” have referred the matter to the court, specifies the Constitutional Council on its website. The Head of State had warned, the day after the adoption of the text, that he would verify the conformity of this law with the Constitution.
“Given the extent of the evolution of the text compared to its initial version and the importance for our nation of the constitutional rights and principles in question, I wish, in the name of the mission entrusted to me by Article 5 of the Constitution, that the provisions of the law can only be implemented after the Constitutional Council has verified that they respect the rights and freedoms that the Constitution guarantees.wrote Emmanuel Macron in his referral.
Contacted by franceinfo on Tuesday, the Constitutional Council declared that no deliberation date had yet been set concerning these referrals.