Emmanuel Macron confirms his Prime Minister, the concern of energy companies for the winter, angry bikers in Paris… The informed of Sunday June 26

Around Olivier de Lagarde, the informed discuss the news on Sunday 26 June 2022.

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Reading time : 1 min.

The informed discuss the news of June 26, 2022.

The themes :

Emmanuel Macron renews his confidence in Elisabeth Borne and asks him to form a new government for the month of July. Can this work without a majority?

In The Parisiana first interview with Pap Ndiaye who wants to restore trust with teachers. Given the lack of a majority, isn’t he a suspended minister?

A bill to include the right to abortion in the French Constitution, the majority burn politeness at LFI. Is this the occasion for a first political coup by Emmanuel Macron with the new National Assembly?

In the Sunday newspaperthe bosses of TotalEnergies, EDF and Engie call on the French to consume less. Could we lack energy this winter?

Angry bikers demonstrate against paid parking in Paris: should we fear a movement similar to the yellow vests at the start of the school year in the capital?

The informed:

Severin Husson, associate editor of the Cross,
Daic Audouitjournalist at franceinfo TV,
Marie-Pierre Gröndahl, reconomics editor-in-chief at the Journal du Dimanche,
Valerie Lecasble, CEO of Hill & Knowlton Strategy

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