Emmanuel Macron “completely stupid” according to Brigitte, the words of the Head of State against “antivax” may not pass to his wife

If he intended to bury the hatchet with his opponents, it is a failure … Emmanuel Macron has just widened the gap that separates him from French citizens saying he is against the vaccine. A gap which was however already wide because of the many government decisions not to the taste of “antivax”. The latter still do not trust Pfizer, Moderna, or even Johnson & Johnson. Yet, according to specialists, the entire country, or almost, needs to receive the necessary doses to try to stop the pandemic. The Head of State is therefore looking for solutions to encourage everyone to be vaccinated and put an end to a situation that has lasted far too long.

But it is not yet with his last interview given to the Parisian that he will succeed in convincing them. “We put pressure on the unvaccinated by limiting their access to social activities as much as possible. Moreover, almost all people, more than 90%, have joined”, he indicated in the columns of our colleagues on January 4, before giving “his” solution to succeed in making the “refractory minority”: “That one, how we reduce it? We reduce it, sorry to say it, like that, by pissing him off even more. Me, I’m not for pissing off the French. I plague all day long against the administration when it blocks them. Well there, the non-vaccinated, I really want to piss them off. And so we will continue to do so, until the end “.

Words causing an uproar in the country and making people mad with rage “refractory minority” as the President of the Republic calls it. There is no doubt that this gap will, once again, greatly embarrass his wife Brigitte, who never hesitates to reframe her companion when he exceeds the limits. Like the time he went too far, according to her, when talking to an unemployed person looking for a job: “I cross the street and I find you a job.” “You are completely stupid. Why did you say that?” She reproached him in the documentary “Brigitte, the influence”.

See also: When Emmanuel Macron dares a joke on the age of his wife, Brigitte Macron!


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