Emmanuel Macron celebrates the 82nd anniversary of the appeal of June 18

The President of the Republic gathered at the Mont Valérien memorial, where many resistance fighters were executed by the German army during the Second World War.

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Emmanuel Macron celebrated, Saturday June 18, at Mont Valérien, in Suresnes (Hauts-de-Seine), the 82nd anniversary of the call of June 18. In the presence of soldiers, veterans and members of the government, the Head of State attended under a blazing sun the commemorations of the appeal launched in 1940 by General de Gaulle.

It’s about “of the first commemoration after the disappearance of the last Companion of the Liberation” Hubert Germain, died on October 12 at the age of 101, recalls the Elysée. This last was buried in the crypt of the Mont Valérien memorial, the main place of execution of resistance fighters and hostages by the German army during the Second World War.

The President of the Republic has also gathered in this crypt in memory of the victims of Nazism, after having listened The Marseillaise and reviewing the troops. The text of the June 18 appeal of General de Gaulle was also read.

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