Emmanuel Macron calls for calm and preaches for vaccination


France 3

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The crisis in Guadeloupe made Emmanuel Macron react, visiting Amiens on Monday, November 22. Journalist Anne Bourse is in duplex.

Emmanuel Macron reacted to the situation in Guadeloupe during a visit to Amiens (Somme), Monday, November 22. “This shows the seriousness of the crisis, since it was in Amiens, after a meeting with Whirlpool employees, that the President of the Republic spoke for the first time on the situation in Guadeloupe”, explains journalist Anne Bourse, present at the scene.

The head of state, reports Anne Bourse, first assured that the overseas ministers, Sébastien Lecornu, and Gérald Darmanin “managed the situation”, which he described as “very explosive”, calling for calm and the maintenance of public order. Emmanuel Macron also displayed the government’s priority, namely “convince that vaccination is the best protection”.


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