Emmanuel Macron calls for an “effort” from distributors in the face of inflation

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5:33 p.m. : “To date, no major measure to counter climate change has been taken.” The collective which arrested Emmanuel Macron during his visit to the agricultural fair denounces “uselessness” government in the face of the climate crisis. In a press release, Last renovation “calls for the immediate implementation of a major thermal renovation plan for buildings”.

4:54 p.m. : “After three years of experimenting with the vegetarian menu in collective catering, a consensus emerged on the benefits of this balanced menu for the good health of children and virtuous for the environment. However, the State seems to want to persist in imposing a frequency minimum consumption of meat and fish each month.”

A collective of mayors and presidents of local authorities signed a platform today in The World (paid article). The petitioners “are concerned about a decree which could impose a minimum frequency of consumption of meat and fish, making a vegetarian alternative impossible”.

2:07 p.m. : “You are the demonstration of a form of civic violence” : Emmanuel Macron fell out with a man from the Last Renovation collective during his wanderings at the Salon de l’Agriculture, deploring that the activist refuses the “debate”. The young man, who wore a t-shirt crossed out with the mention “What are you for?”challenged the Head of State, calling on him to “listen to scientific reports” on climate change.

2:01 p.m. : French President Emmanuel Macron has warned that a trade agreement between the European Union and the Mercosur countries will not be “Not possible” if the latter did not respect the same environmental constraints as the Europeans.

12:42 p.m. : Good morning @Pommecannelle46. Emmanuel Macron gave some leads by calling for “better harvest rainwater”, “have fewer leaks in water networks” And “better distribute the use of drinking water according to users”especially in “continuing to produce and invest in hill retentions”.

12:42 p.m. : Once again, you relay the information on the drought, but nothing on the measures that the public authorities should take. The president calls for a sobriety plan, what do we mean by that?

12:21 p.m. : Why is the organic sector in the midst of a growth crisis? Industry professionals point to the role of inflation, but also a loss of credibility for the label and a lack of political support.

11:17 a.m. : Emmanuel Macron was challenged on the pension reform during his visit to the Salon de l’agriculture. Several people held up signs denouncing the postponement of the legal age to 64 years.

10:48 : “We must guarantee the income of our farmers”also said Emmanuel Macron.

10:43 am : Emmanuel Macron calls on distributors to “make an effort on their margins”. According to the Head of State, industrialists and farmers “have already made efforts”.

10:30 a.m. : Emmanuel Macron calls for a “sobriety plan” on the water. “We all have to be more careful, it’s the end of abundance”, explained the Head of State, while the drought is already affecting certain French departments.

10:23 : Emmanuel Macron announced the extension, until October, of the financial aid granted to fishermen to cope with the rise in fuel prices and which was to expire in mid-May. Its amount remains 20 cents (excluding tax) per liter of diesel until the end of October.

09:45 : Emmanuel Macron began his visit with a meeting with fishing professionals. He must announce the continuation of aid on fuels for fishermen.

11:29 : After an express appearance at the 2022 edition, at the very start of the war in Ukraine, and a show canceled in 2021 due to Covid-19, Emmanuel Macron is reviving the presidential ritual of this major event, which is also popular with politicians than from the public. And the visit begins with a morning oyster tasting.


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