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In an interview, Emmanuel Macron assumed his pension reform on Wednesday March 22. The President of the Republic also denounced the violence observed in the street.
Emmanuel Macron’s word was expected. The President of the Republic assumes, Wednesday, March 22. For him, this pension reform remains necessary, it must apply before the end of the year. Basically, he has no regrets, but the leader of theState points the finger at the attitude of the unions. “I regret that no union has offered a compromise“, he denounces. This assertion made the unions jump. “He only considers alternative proposals valid if we agree with him.“, lamented Philippe Martinez, general secretary of the CGT.
Reported violence
For his part, Laurent Berger, secretary general of the CFDT, wrote on Twitter: “Denial and lies: The CFDT has a pension reform project.“During his speech, Emmanuel Macron also denounced the excesses in the street.