Emmanuel Macron asks the government to “find quick answers” ​​for disaster victims

The president spoke late Sunday morning with the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, and the Minister of Ecological Transition, Christophe Béchu.



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French President Emmanuel Macron during the traditional Epiphany cake ceremony at the Élysée Palace, in Paris, January 5, 2024. (TERESA SUAREZ / AFP)

As a cold spell arrives in France, Emmanuel Macron asked the government “to find rapid responses to the situation of the victims” in Pas-de-Calais, France Télévisions learned from the entourage of the Head of State. President spoke on Sunday January 7, late in the morning, with Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne and the Minister of Ecological Transition, Christophe Béchu, about the floods. New measures should be announced on Monday by the Minister of Housing, Patrice Vergriete, France Télévisions learned from the same source.

Elisabeth Borne is expected in the department on Tuesday “to discuss all the solutions to be put in place”, underlined Matignon for his part to AFP. Pas-de-Calais remained classified, on Sunday, on orange flood alert for two rivers, the Lys Plaine and the Canche. For its part, the Aa, which had reached the red level last week, has returned to yellow and the decline is in progress.

According to the prefecture’s latest report, 95 municipalities and 2,084 homes were affected by this second episode of exceptional flooding in less than two months, which led to the evacuation of 743 people.

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