For the time being, however, no timetable has been set by the Head of State, who has warned that the changes will not take place “overnight”.
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Towards shorter summer holidays for children? Emmanuel Macron asked his government on Wednesday June 28 to work on an overhaul of summer holidays and school time over the year. The president of the Republic “addressed this point in the Council of Ministers” and spoke of the need “to open this site”, “to open this reflection, to project ourselves into this collective challenge”reported government spokesman Olivier Véran after the meeting.
For now, no timetable has been set. President “recalled himself that it does not happen overnight, but that it was important to open this page of our educational history”, added Olivier Véran. The Head of State, according to the spokesman, affirmed that “France is a country in which the summer holidays are among the longest and sometimes you have children who are out of school for two and a half months”.
Emmanuel Macron announced Tuesday during his three-day visit to Marseille his desire to “reopen the debate” of “school time in the year” and the length of the summer holidays. “We have children who sometimes have two and a half months of vacation, some almost three months”he judged. “What is the consequence of that? It’s that we stuff the weeks withand our children, who arrive exhausted every evening“he advanced.