Emmanuel Macron announces an “online consultation”

The president did not exclude that proposals resulting from the debates of the CNR could “lead to referendums”.

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Emmanuel Macron announced, Thursday, September 8, the launch “from next week” of one “very broad national consultation” online and in the field to put the French back “within the great choices of the nation”.

The Head of State made this announcement just before opening the National Council for Refoundation (CNR) in Marcoussis (Essonne) behind closed doors, considering that this major consultation “will complement today’s meeting” and the territorial versions of the CNR.

Emmanuel Macron has not ruled out that proposals resulting from the CNR’s debates could “lead to referendums”.

“The door will always be open”

“We are going to open a very broad national consultation next week, which will be online, which will be open” and “I want there to be debates on the ground which can be online, which can be open. All of this deserves transparency, openness”said Emmanuel Macron.

A site dedicated to the CNR must also be launched in the evening, according to the Elysée. While this new body is shunned at its opening by the oppositions and several unions, Emmanuel Macron judged that the absent had “wrong”. But he assured that “the door will always be open” for further discussion.

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