Emmanuel Macron announces a “one-month fact-finding mission on unscheduled care”

The Head of State, traveling to Cherbourg, has also specified that it wants to launch “from July” a major health conference.

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in full “systemic crisis” from the health sector, Emmanuel Macron was on the move, Tuesday, May 31, at the Cherbourg hospital center (Manche). The president of the Republic announced the launch of a new fact-finding mission “one month on unscheduled care” before starting a round table with “all health actors” (emergency physicians, nurses, general practitioners, administration) “access to urgent and unscheduled care”.

At least 120 emergency services have been forced to limit their activity or are preparing for it and all the lights are red, according to the association Samu-Urgences de France (SUdF). Almost 20% of the approximately 620 establishments, public and private, hosting one or more emergency services are affected. Additional sign of an unprecedented crisis, 14 of the 32 largest French hospitals (CHU and CHR) are on this list.

The head of state also specified wanting to launch, “from July”, a major health conference with all stakeholders. Emmanuel Macron was accompanied by the new Minister of Health, Brigitte Bourguignon.

Throughout the territory, access to city care is also becoming increasingly difficult due to a lack of doctors and the saturation of nursing homes. Despite the doubling of “number of multi-professional health centres” since 2017 and “unprecedented investments”after in particular the Ségur de la Santé, “deep difficulties today make these jobs difficult and not attractive enough”, underlines the Elysée.

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