Emmanuel Macron announces a national strategy to fight the disease

This disease affects one in 10 women in France, i.e. more than two million people and it is the leading cause of infertility in France.

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“It’s not a women’s problem. It’s a social problem.” President Emmanuel Macron announced Tuesday, January 11, the launch of a national strategy to fight endometriosis. The objective: to raise awareness, diagnose and take charge of this disease from which one in 10 women in France suffers, i.e. more than two million people, and which is the leading cause of infertility in France.

This subject “which is close to my heart “(…)” today leads to the launch of our first national strategy to fight against endometriosis “, said the head of state in a video posted on social networks.

The announced national strategy aims to “better understand this disease and its causes, and find therapeutic treatments”, said Emmanuel Macron, announcing that resources will be released “up to the stakes” for research. Then each region will have to “precisely identify the territorial care channels with at least one referral and expertise center”. “There will be specific national funding”, said the Elysee.

Finally, “we must develop what we could call an ‘endometriosis reflex’ with all audiences: at school, at university, at home, at the office, and even, and above all I would say, in communities medical “, estimated the tenant of the Elysee.

The Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, “will soon bring together a national steering committee to define the action plan and implement it with representatives of patients and professionals, and of all the ministries and sectors concerned”, he added. This committee will hold its first meeting in February.

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