Emmanuel Macron announces a bill for “early 2023”

This reform, whose presentation was initially scheduled for the fall, aims in particular to “accelerate” the investigation of files.

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The schedule is getting clearer. Emmanuel Macron announced on Thursday September 15 that a “draft law relating to asylum, therefore immigration to the Republic” would be deposited “from the beginning of 2023”. Before the prefects, the Head of State justified this reform by arguing that “our policy today is absurd” because she “consists of putting women and men who arrive, who are in the greatest misery” in the poorest neighborhoods.

This policy “is both inefficient and inhumane, inefficient because we find ourselves with more foreigners in an irregular situation than many of our neighbours, inhumane because this pressure means that they are too often badly received”added Emmanuel Macron.

New immigration bill was originally slated for fall. In August, the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, had finally announced the postponement of the presentation of this textand holdinga “great debate” on the subject to the National Assembly and the Senate in October.

“We need to reform our procedures to be able to go much faster and that is essential”, he said. It’s necessary “differentiate the procedures”, “accelerate their instruction” and “integrate much faster and much better those who even have a provisional title by language and by work”noted the Head of State.

He pleaded for a better distribution of the foreigners welcomed on the territory, in particular in the “rural areas, which are losing population”. Emmanuel Macron also promised “to improve the effectiveness of renewal policies” at the border for illegal aliens.

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