Emmanuel Macron and Sergio Mattarella insist on “the great importance” of Franco-Italian relations

The head of the Italian government Giorgia Meloni refused to welcome the 230 migrants who had been wandering for several weeks at sea aboard the humanitarian ship.

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They say so in a joint statement. French Presidents Emmanuel Macron and Italian Sergio Mattarella insisted, Monday, November 14, on “great importance” relations between their two countries, shaken in early November by the refusal of far-right Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni to welcome the humanitarian ship ocean viking and its 230 migrants on board.

In this pithy declaration, the two Heads of State “affirmed the great importance of relations between France and Italy and underlined the need to create the conditions for full cooperation in all areas, both bilaterally and within the European Union”. According to this press release, they spoke by telephone.

The situation of the boat ocean viking, finally welcomed Friday at the port of Toulon (Var), caused a diplomatic crisis between Paris and Rome. On Sunday, French government spokesman Olivier Véran asked “It’s up to Europe to decide very quickly on the follow-up to be given” to this behavior “unacceptable” from Italy.

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