Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen throw their last forces into battle on the final day of the campaign

What there is to know

A trip to Seine-Saint-Denis and an interview in France 2’s “20 heures” for Emmanuel Macron. A meeting in Pas-de-Calais for Marine Le Pen. The two candidates were on all fronts Thursday, April 21. Friday, the last day of the official campaign for the second round, also promises to be busy. The presidential candidate twill hold his last campaign rally in Figeac (Lot), in a department which voted overwhelmingly for him in 2017. As for the candidate of the National Rally, she will put an end to her campaign in Abbeville (Somme). Follow our live.

Emmanuel Macron widens the gap according to our survey. Three days before the second round of the presidential election, Emmanuel Macron is ahead of Marine Le Pen by 15 points in voting intentions, according to the daily barometer produced by Ipsos-Sopra Steria for franceinfo and Le Parisien-Today in France.

“He had his chance and he failed.” In a meeting in Saint-Laurent-Blangy (Pas-de-Calais), Thursday, Marine Le Pen attacked the balance sheet of Emmanuel Macron. He “showed that he did not like the French”, she said. According to her, the second round on Sunday will be the moment of a choice “simple” : “Macron or France”.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon did not like the debate. The former rebellious presidential candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon is returned Thursday on the debate, which pitted Marine Le Pen against Emmanuel Macron. “As you saw yesterday, I couldn’t get the hologram machine to work so I couldn’t go. In the end, they did a pretty boring scrabble.”, he first declared, not without irony. Before adding: “Yesterday’s debate, I found it painful”.

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