Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen define their place of celebration in the event of victory



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While Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen have victory in the second round in their sights, the left is already thinking about what it calls “the third round”.

Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen both project themselves into victory. We now know where the candidates will celebrate it if they are elected. Emmanuel Macron had dreamed of it in 2017. This time, he has obtained the agreement of the town hall of Paris, he will speak from the Champ-de-Mars, at the foot of the Eiffel Tower if he is re-elected“, explains the journalist Hugo Capellipresent on the set of 12/13, Friday April 22. On the other hand, the organizers are concerned about the weather, “which promises to be capricious on Sunday evening with a risk of showers”says the journalist.

As for Marine Le Pen, she planned “a big parade in the capital with its famous buses bearing its effigy which criss-crossed France during the campaign”details Hugo Capelliwhich adds that “lThe route would start from the Bois de Boulogne to arrive in a still unknown place“. Regarding the left, she also thinks of the post-second round, which she even calls “the third round”. This is the term of Jean-Luc Mélenchon who had given his supporters a meeting at the Maison de la Chimie, in Paris (…). For the one who came third in the presidential election, no doubt: to have a chance of winning the legislative elections, and becoming Prime Minister, it is necessary to unite all the forces of the left“, reports the journalist.

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