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As the debate between the two rounds approaches, the activists of Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen are pounding the pavement, Wednesday, April 20, to convince the voters.
They are five students from the University of Orleans (Loiret), and for now, their minds are focused elsewhere than on the partials. At 19, Tiphaine Giton and her fellow activists from “Young People with Macron” are trying to convince voters by towing for their candidate. Among young people, Jean-Luc Mélenchon came out on top in the first round of the presidential election. So the strategy is clear: oppose their candidate to Marine Le Pen. “We count on them in part, because I think that young people really have affinities at the level of the program much more with Emmanuel Macron than with Marine Le Pen“, valued Tiphaine Giton.
On the side of the National Rally, the activists took out the bus bearing the image of their candidate, as in Bordes (Loiret), where the RN came first in the first round. Here too, the strategy is well defined: to attract new voters to block Emmanuel Macron. Mathilde Paris, regional councilor RN, thus affirms that the militants also target the mélenchonistes. “We know that abstention favors the outgoing candidate“, she adds.