Emmanuel Macron and Brigitte Macron received their booster dose of vaccine this weekend

They were vaccinated against the Covid-19 and against the flu at the same time. The booster dose has been open to all adults since Saturday.

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Emmanuel Macron and Brigitte Macron received their booster dose of the Covid-19 vaccine this weekend of November 27 and 28, at the same time as their flu vaccine, franceinfo learned from the entourage of the president of the Republic.

“The Head of State intends to set an example and support the vaccine boost”. According to the executive, the number of third-dose injections “explodes” currently, suggesting the 10 million people who have received their booster dose by the weekend.

Sunday evening, November 28, 7,233,042 people had received their booster dose against Covid-19, according to figures from Public Health France. This booster dose has been open to all adults since Saturday, November 27, from five months after the injection of the second dose. Health measure announced by the government as France is going through the fifth wave of the pandemic and a new variant of Covid-19 called Omicron threatens Europe.

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