Emmanuel Macron and Brigitte accomplices during the parade of July 14: this tender kiss very noticed

The July 14 national holiday is always a highly anticipated event. The public is present for the traditional parade which takes place on the Champs-Elysées. Emmanuel Macron arrived around 10 a.m. And, as he headed for the official platform to greet the guests present at this ceremony, images captured by our colleagues from France 2, during their special edition, did not go unnoticed.

Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte have been a united couple for years. The First Lady has been by his side at every important moment of his life. And of course, she was present this Thursday, July 14, on the Champs-Elysées. The former French and Latin teacher – sublime in a white patterned dress signed Louis Vuitton – was already there when her dear and tender arrived, in her elegant blue suit. So when he returned to the official platform, it was her he greeted first.

After pausing, Emmanuel Macron took Brigitte’s hand to give her a kiss. A delicate and romantic gesture that pleased the First Lady if we are to believe the sweet smile she displayed after her kiss-hand. A beautiful moment to find in our slideshow. The President of the Republic then went to the guests who were at the official podium. Among them, there was in particular Gérard Larcher (the President of the Senate), Bruno Lemaire (Minister of the Economy), Catherine Colonna (Minister of Foreign Affairs) or even Pap Ndiaye (Minister of National Education).

Another sequence that made a lot of talk. Before going to the official platform, Brigitte Macron was filmed greeting many people. That’s when… Naomi Campbell arrived. The two women kissed each other and exchanged a few words before the First Lady introduced her to the women she was with. They then both joined the podium to greet the guests already there.

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