Emmanuel Macron, a wartime campaign



Article written by

J. Wittenberg, J. Assouly, A. Peyrout, T. Maillet, T. Curtet, L. Le Moigne, M. Hauville, F. Bazille, P. Grandouiller, R. Torregrosa, N. Sadok – France 2

France Televisions

The President of the Republic has chosen to make this candidacy a non-event. Emmanuel Macron recognizes that the war in Ukraine is disrupting our democratic life and the electoral campaign. How will he become a candidate and how will his opponents welcome this formalization?

President and candidate, Emmanuel Macron had been preparing for it for weeks, but everything was turned upside down by the war in Ukraine. However, from Friday March 4, major changes will take place. If the Élysée remains the center of power, Emmanuel Macron’s campaign will be organized a kilometer away, at the headquarters of the Republic on the move. At least three ministers could put themselves at the service of the candidate.

On the campaign side, nothing is decided yet. The meeting scheduled in Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône), the weekend of March 5, has been canceled. And if there are one or more, they will be sober as war rages in Europe. This is also the mystery on the candidate’s program. If the seriousness of the international situation today requires a spirit of responsibility and a dignified opposition, the French must not be deprived of a real democratic debate”, declared the candidate Valérie Pécresse (LR).

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