Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron in construction helmets and overalls: moving visit to Notre-Dame

A testimony of hope

The President of the Republic also confided that this work was a great “testimony of hope“while congratulating”those who spend their days and nights“to renovate the building.”I find that there is extraordinary progress (…) In this period when we are emerging from the Covid and the war in Europe, it is also a testimony of hope, it makes a lot of sense“, estimated the Head of State, welcoming moreover a “parenthesis“in his election campaign.

During this visit, which lasted nearly two hours, Emmanuel Macron and his wife were also able to meet the various companions of the companies that took part in the construction site, in particular the stonemasons. He thus wished to thankall the teams, companies, craftsmen, trades that are associated, as well as all the French producers, whether stone or wood, and therefore trees, who are mobilized in intimacy with the diocese of Paris“.

Emmanuel Macron also confirmed that Notre-Dame de Paris should be open to the public again in 2024, “which does not exclude that some work may continue after the reopening“, specified his entourage.

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