Emma Smet responds in the best way!

Emma Smet knew how to go beyond the label of “daughter of”. Indeed, the young woman has managed to make a name for herself thanks to her talents as an actress, particularly in the series Tomorrow belongs to us. Moreover, she put her role in the series aside in order to devote herself to her performance in the theater.

And for those who wondered how she managed to cry in the episodes, Emma Smet has developed her own technique so as not to suffer too much. “Expressing grief, rage, emotions I’m not comfortable with has always appealed to me. The first time I cried in front of a camera, I had tapped into painful memories. Never again ! The state of sadness persists too much. The next time, I preferred to put a finger in my eye” she told in the columns of Paris Match.

It has now been several months that hallway noises announce Emma Smet and Kylian Mbappé as a couple. That said, the two main concerned have always firmly maintained that they have never been together. However, images of the accomplice duo at Parc Astérix have revived speculation on this subject. Only now, for several days, images of the footballer in the middle of a kissing session called everything into question.Did he deceive the young woman or did he find a match with another person?

However, Emma Smet did not react to all this. In the meantime, it is out of the question for the beautiful blonde to be depressed and she made it clear this weekend. After spending time with her mother Estelle Lefébure, Ilona Smet’s sister took advantage of the good weather to impress her subscribers this Saturday, June 5, 2022. Indeed, she posted a selfie at golden hour with a broad smile. The least we can say is that she managed to melt the hearts of her community with this shot since she received a shower of compliments in the comments. We love !


See also: Emma Smet confides in her relationship with Johnny Hallyday

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