Emma Smet leaves Tomorrow belongs to us: moving farewell and revelation about her future

A page turns for Emma Smet. During the episode of tomorrow belongs to us (TF) of Wednesday July 20, 2022, her character Sofia left Sète to live in Spain. A departure mentioned by the 24-year-old young woman who recently became a tata on Instagram.

TF1 viewers unfortunately did not dream. Sofia has chosen to settle in Spain to live with her companion Romain (Charles Créhange), although her parents are not thrilled with this project. At the time of the farewells, the emotion was therefore at the rendezvous as much for the characters as for the performers.

On Instagram, Emma Smet did not hide that it was with a heavy heart that she left. After the broadcast, the daughter of Estelle Lefébure and David Hallyday posted a photo slideshow. We can see her with a slightly sad pout on the set to begin with. The young woman also shared behind-the-scenes photos or videos of certain scenes or good times spent with some of her colleagues who have become a real family. A publication that earned him pour his “little tear as she says in the caption. “Thanks ! I arrived in May 2019 in Sète with my fictional family which today I consider my second family. I have made incredible encounters, friends for life, I laughed (even a lot), I cried (even a lot) with my accomplice in tears Julie Debazac“, she continued.

Emma Smet did not hide the fact that during this wonderful experience, she had “doubts“, was happy but also tired. She was also apro for putting songs in your head“, especially to Louvia Bachelier (who plays her sister Manon). “I did my little dance step each time before turning, I learned a lot, I grew, so thank you for this adventure, for the emotions, the laughs that I will never forget I love you all. Thank you to all the DNA team, but also to the viewers who loved me, hated me. You have seen my character grow and evolve. Sofia Daunier I will miss younow it’s time for you to go make salads in Spain!“, she concluded.

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