Emma Rouvet and Hugues de Rosny, surprised by the success of their Positive Media

A photo of the colorful city of Bruges and its canals, a story about a Ukrainian baker who provides free meals to war victims, a rescue video of a cat that fell into a river. Every day, Positive Media offers its subscribers good news. And it hits! The content is posted on all social networks, with 700,000 fans in total, including 300,000 on Twitter.

Behind this delightful media, two students from Sciences Po Paris, Emma Rouvet and Hugues de Rosny, 21 years old. The idea came to them in September 2020, in the midst of the Covid-19 crisis: “During confinement, we saw the count of the dead, people in intensive care every evening. And we thought it a shame not to focus on the great stories, the surges of solidarity. We then said to ourselves that we were going to create a medium that would be the place where we would find all this good news”, says Emma Rouvet.

“We didn’t think it was going to have this success at all, we thought we would make our brothers, sisters, parents, friends smile. And gradually, personalities supported us, like Antoine Griezmann or Leïla Bekhti.”

Hugues de Rosny, co-founder of Positive Media


It had “a snowball effect and our audience has become increasingly important”, rejoices Hugues de Rosny. Every morning, the two students spend two hours looking for positive elements in the regional, national and international press. They track positive and light videos on the networks. Not to mention the subscribers who send proposals. This gives about ten publications per day.

“For the moment, it does not bring us anything. But we will probably work with companies to finance reports.”

Emma Bouvet, co-founder of Positive Media


The two founders of Positive Media begin to create their own content. “News stories embodied by Emma on Instagram, with three good news stories a week. We also have a sports focus, highlighting the career of an athlete. That of Mohammed Ali for the first issue”, explains Hugues de Rosny. An increasingly time-consuming work, success requires. But the founders of Positive Media did not abandon their studies for all that: “Reconciling the two is a bit rock’n’roll! As soon as we have free time, it’s for Le Média positive”, concludes the one who aspires to become a journalist.

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