Emma, ​​Johnny Hallyday’s granddaughter in a relationship with Kylian Mbappé? The actress FINALLY comes out of silence and delivers her truth!

Emma Smet is on all fronts to the delight of her admirers. In the midst of a promotional tour for Philippe Lellouche’s play “The Game of Truth”, Ilona Smet’s sister gave an exclusive interview to the magazine We both this Tuesday, February 22, 2022. During the interview, our colleagues asked her about Kylian Mbappé. For several months, the tabloids ensure that the two stars would be in a relationship. As a reminder, they have been seen several times together… And the complicity seemed to be there. On social networks, Internet users are also conducting the investigation. For them, certain signs do not deceive.

“If I start commenting on all the photos that are taken of me, I’m going to have a hard time getting out of it!”, had fun the granddaughter of Sylvie Vartan. The young woman is used to her private life being dissected in the media and on the Web. A situation that she takes with great hindsight. Emma Smet benefited from the valuable advice of her famous parents to manage her notoriety brilliantly.

“They told us that some people would indulge in unconstructive criticism just because they don’t like our name, or for whatever reason. They didn’t really tell us how to handle that, I think that’s is something you learn over time… As I experienced things with them, I understood without being explained to me what to do and not to do to keep a simple private life possible”analyzed the flagship actress of Tomorrow belongs to us and to conclude with philosophy: “As for social networks, it is rather me who tells them how to manage them sometimes! They are important for work, but they can also be very harmful. I try not to pay attention to hate messages.” It is said !


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