Émilie (Married at first sight) single again? “I made my decision, it’s not easy…”

Emilie’s sentimental life is not a long calm river! The candidate of the sixth season of Married at first sight on M6 had divorced after his idyll with Frédérick. But a few months after the end of the show, the beautiful thirty-year-old had finally found the shoe that suited her. “My community, I wanted to share great news with you. My heart is no longer to be taken”she wrote on Instagram to the attention of her community. “Sometimes happiness is right in front of our eyes, I couldn’t expose my partner for the moment because he too is in the musical field. Honestly, it makes me feel good to feel two”she had specified, not failing to add: “And who knows, the family may grow.”

But things can go very quickly, one way or another … Friday, September 30, Lina’s mother shared her life as a “very complicated” couple. His companion’s job requires him to travel around the world very regularly. And the latter wanted the mother/daughter duo to follow him. “He announces to me like that, while he is at the other end of the Earth, that I will have to follow him“, she said. “It is not possible“because she doesn’t want to”take (his) daughter out of school, nor carry her to the right, to the left“.

We had agreed, we had talked about it, and then overnight, I was told that basically it’s like that, not otherwise. It’s his business so it’s up to me to quit everything and leave everything.“A vision with which Émilie totally disagrees.”I’m sorry but no, I don’t see life that way. I have my daughter, I have priorities, I can’t dump everything like that. And I don’t like being up against the wall“. She admitted to her fans that she was afraid to leave feathers in this relationship. “I will still fall in love, invest myself, believe in it. I’ll take a big slap and find myself on the side. I don’t want to be in a double life…”

Hello celibacy!

Saturday October 1, still on her Instagram account, the beautiful brunette shared important news. Taking care to reflect on what is best for her and her daughter, with the help of many advice from her community, Frédérick’s ex decided to end his relationship:

See also: Married at first sight: The production singled out for the inexperience of the candidates in the face of the cruelty of Internet users

Adam Javal-Fauconnier

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