Emilie (Married at first sight): Frédérick makes revelations about his father’s behavior at the wedding

During a shoot, the production has many hours of images and therefore cannot broadcast everything. But the candidates are never stingy with confidences and often make revelations. It was the case of Frederickcandidate of Married at first sight 2022 (M6). On the occasion of a live Instagram on May 19, he told unpublished anecdotes about his marriage to Emilie.

The loyal M6 viewers who follow Married at first sight remember perfectly the icy arrival of Emilie’s dad on the day of the union. “He puts on a slightly heavy atmosphere that freaks everyone out a bit.“, had entrusted Iskander, the witness of Frédérick. It is therefore a future groom quite impressed that the public was able to discover. However, everything did not really happen like this. effect revealed (around the 12th minute) that Jacques had been humorous during the wedding.”I’m Jacques, but you can call me Jacquouille“, he would have launched while advancing towards his future son-in-law. A joke for “clear the air” which was unfortunately cut during the editing! “The editing means that there are things that are cut, put in certain places… Which doesn’t exactly reflect what happened. Jacques is a cream, there is nothing to say about Jacques“, he concluded.

That’s not all ! Stating that he was “no cream“, Emilie’s dad would have added that his daughter had “a glass eye. Words that certainly somewhat relaxed Frédérick who, like his future wife, expected a lot from this experience. And he was not disappointed since he was immediately seduced by the beautiful brunette, now 36 years old. A reciprocal attraction. So they said “yes” to each other and then had a dream honeymoon in Prague (in the Czech Republic). It was a little spoiled by an argument that took place off, because of a crazy dance of the father of the family. Next Monday, viewers will find out if the newlyweds managed to get past it.

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