Emilie (Married at first sight) fired from a restaurant: tackled by the boss, she reveals overwhelming evidence

Emily is not about to return to Bada, a restaurant in Cassis in which she had a bad experience. On July 30, the candidate of Married at Regard 2022 revealed on Instagram that the owner of the establishment had fired his mother, his daughter Lina (18 months) and her after the latter stained a bench while eating a fruit. The manager then spoke to Entertainment TV to give his version of the facts. Words that the former wife of Frédérick does not endorse once again.

This Tuesday, August 2, 2022, Emilie again took to her Instagram story to make a point. She first assured that, contrary to what she could read in the press, she did not leave without paying the bill. “He kicked us out of his restaurant saying, ‘I’ll bring you the bill.’ And having had no dishes my mother and I just paid for our bottle of water and refused to pay for the dishes never brought. So sir, your lies you should be ashamed of“, she was indignant at first.

Emilie then pointed out the fact that the owner of the restaurant had taken it “free” to his daughter Lina who does not know “not even wipe your hands yet“: “She is just learning to eat. He’s an 18 month old baby. So to invent that she would have used the bench to do that doesn’t make sense. Even if a drop of juice from his fruit juice fell, it happens. You don’t have to talk to people like that. And say my child is ‘disgusting’, say my daughter is a ‘case’ as I was able to read in your words… You say you have children, it is false, because the parents know very well that a baby can drop food while eating“, continued the 36-year-old former real estate negotiator. She then assures that she has never had any problems in other restaurants and that she herself has worked in the restaurant industry. And never this kind of situation did not happen.

You are known for your aggression

You are known forr your aggressiveness and moreover, the opinions on your restaurant, I cannot invent them. They have been around for a long time and many of us have had a bad experience and many of us say the same things“, wrote Emilie. And to recall that she never worked for M6 and therefore, that she never boasted of doing it. He would simply have wanted to pass her off as a woman who has “took the big head“.”My daughter did nothing at all. It’s a beach restaurant. There were people with monoi on their skin, cream and strangely, they won’t stain the seat? To say that I even asked what you wanted, namely to pay for the cleaning so I was embarrassed. But I will broadcast the photos and videos and people will see that your bench is not what you claim“, she concluded before revealing in photo and video the state of the benches.

Let us recall that during his interview for Entertainment TVthe owner of the establishment had assured that the young woman was immediately “mounted on his high horse” in “kept saying that she worked at M6“. He added that it was Emilie who had chosen to leave the establishment.”She didn’t want to pay for her bottle of water, her mother paid for it, and she left us with the dishes she had ordered.“, he had concluded.

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