Emilie (Married at first sight) fan of cosmetic surgery? She lifts the veil on the subject

Emilie is one of the candidates for Married at first sight 2022 (M6). The beautiful 36-year-old brunette marked viewers with her painful personal story. She was left when she was four months pregnant and since then she has been raising her daughter Lina (1 year) alone. Affected, many Internet users send him benevolent messages on a daily basis. Seeing that she is close to her community, others do not hesitate to ask her intimate questions, particularly about the plastic surgery. She therefore mentioned the subject in story, on April 12.

Some Internet users have indeed had the impression that Emilie had already passed on the billiards in order to modify certain parts of her body. The potential wife of Frédérick therefore wished to make a small point of clarification. “I never did. I have never done my lips, my nose or even botox. No no no !“, she assured. She quickly clarified that she had nothing against people who went through the cosmetic surgery box to erase one or more complexes. preferred to accept herself as she is.

I have a lot of faults, sometimes I have bad days, but I don’t want to do surgery. At the moment it’s not something that interests me“. Emilie is aware that one day she might change her mind. But that day has not yet arrived.”And I don’t have the time for all that, and even the money for that matter“, concluded the mother of the family. She then promised to her community to present her beauty routine, because she received many questions about it.

On April 11, it was a completely different subject that she mentioned in an Instagram story. Currently in the middle of a move, Emilie has come across some things she had forgotten, including a letter from Lina’s dad. “And it made me feel so weird because I came across a letter from Lina’s parent, which he had written by hand. I read it again and he apologized for having been afraid of being a dad, but that Lina and I he loved us, that we were his blood, that we were his life… In short, a bunch of bullshit since he left and we never heard from him again“, she had first explained. She then asked her subscribers if in her place, they would have kept or torn it. “I thought it might be good to keep this letter because it’s handwritten and in it he says he wants Lina. So I said to myself that maybe I should keep it to put it in the notebook I made for Lina, so that she knows who her biological father is later. I wanted to have your opinion“, she continued.

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