Emilie (Married at first sight) assaulted and traumatized: “It’s gone very far”

Emily was revealed in Married at first sight 2022, on M6. The 36-year-old married Frédérick, with whom she was 84% ​​compatible (the highest rate of the season). But their love story did not last, because the two candidates did not have the same vision of the couple. Since then, Lina’s mother (1 year old) has been single. She continues to share her daily life on social networks and this week she shot an episode of baby story with jeremstar. But not everything went as planned, as the latter confided on July 14.

As part of the filming, Emilie and the interviewer notably went near a lake, near Paris. And, while she explained that her daily life as a single mom was not easy, a “individual intervened in the middle of filming, telling her that it was nonsense what she was saying, that limit no it was not hard to raise a child alone and that it was necessary to stop passing on the problems about children“. The beautiful brunette then asked him what he knew of her life to allow himself to judge her like this. “And there, it completely degenerated. We were literally assaultedinitially verbally”, clarified Jeremstar.

The story tookproportions not possible”. “The individual started insulting us, threatening to hit us, attacking us physically and that we could well file a complaint. (…) He was getting more and more restless and out of control. (…) It’s really gone very far“, he continued. Emilie therefore left to protect her daughter, for whom she was very afraid. “She left with the stroller and the child. I stayed there trying to figure out what was going on. My director tried to reason with this gentleman. I was flabbergasted by the aggressiveness, the violence of the scene. I don’t understand how it got out of hand. Apparently he resented the fact that Emilie answered him ‘Do you know my life?’ But leave people alone!“, was indignant Jeremstar.

Traumatized Emily

A little later, Emilie spoke in story to express her shock. “I won’t hide it from you. Since then, I’m not well, there’s a lot of things that are questioned. I arrive at a stage where I find that the actions of people are not normal. I will speak on it, then afterwards I will close the chapter. In short, it’s not good to hurt people. I don’t deserve this, my daughter doesn’t deserve this. No mother should be insulted in front of her child.“, she first confided.

A little later, Emilie spoke again to explain that she was “traumatized“by what had happened, because it was”gratuitous violence“.”This person, I did nothing to him at all! to have his opinion (…) but you’re not attacking me, especially since I haven’t done anything, I’m still a mother, I didn’t deserve that. (…) I have never been so afraid in all my life. When you are alone with a child, what do you want to do? So I took my daughter and I left, and he kept screaming and saying horrible things, and my daughter was crying.“, she concluded.

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