Emilie (Married at first sight) abandoned by the father of her daughter: “a big coward” whom she tackles on video

Emily is certainly one of the strong candidates for this new season of Married at first sight. The pretty 36-year-old brunette touched viewers a lot from the start of the broadcast with her difficult personal story. Indeed, she quickly confided that she had been left by the father of her daughter Lina (1 year old) during her pregnancy.

I got pregnant with a child that was wanted. And after four months of pregnancy, the doctors told me that my daughter could be carrying a disease. Which ? We didn’t know. When I saw her little legs on the ultrasound, I couldn’t let her down. On the other hand, Lina’s biological father decided to leave us, to abandon us“, she revealed in her portrait for the romantic program of M6. Finally, Emilie’s daughter grew up without any health problems. But the dad never gave her news.

Bitter memory of the “progenitor”

So inevitably, even today, the candidate keeps a bitter memory of this person who nevertheless counted for a long time in her life. Always transparent and cash on the subject, Emilie did not hesitate to tackle it in story Instagram during the day on Friday, May 6, 2022.”For me, he is not Lina’s father, but only a sire. It’s a big coward hiding because he would be too afraid to pay alimony“, she said. The fact that he did not contact her again is not really a surprise for Emilie, she who saw his true face when he was “capable of abandoning a child who is also sick…“.”I told you, it will never show up“, she warned.

I could have gone to court

Emilie admits all the same that the absence of a partner in her life is complicated to live with. However, she does not want to have anything to do with her ex anymore. “It is difficult financially and physically but I don’t want anything from him. I could have gone to court, but I am a very religious woman and know that the wheel will turn“, she concluded on the subject.

In Married at first sight, Emilie united with Frédérick, with whom a bond quickly developed. It remains to be seen whether their relationship will last over time!

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