Émilie (Maries at first sight) censored by production? She threatens to throw everything away!

It would seem that many candidates from Married at first sight have some issues with production. While Caroline lashed out at this one accusing her of not airing all of her discussions with Axel, allowing viewers to understand a little better why she didn’t get along with him, it’s this time this Emilie coming out of her hinges. The fault of a sequence not broadcast or, rather, transformed.

The one who married Frédérick had a violent clash with him during their honeymoon in Prague. Showing intelligence and putting water in their wine, the couple finally got back on track and gave themselves another chance. But quickly, the situation tensed a bit when Lina’s mother invited her new half to her home. The little girl, just one year old, kept crying during the sequence broadcast in Married at first sight and that seemed to bother Frédérick greatly. “During the show, you have to understand that Lina was very small, she was only seven months old. She sees a lot of cameras at home, it’s not easy for a baby, it was disturbing. I didn’t want to leave cry my daughter, in fact. Fred told me that I was a lax mother. But no!first explained the young mother on May 24 on Instagram.

Production in focus

In the end, this situation did not give rise to a new clash. However, the pretty brunette wanted to dot the i’s on the editing of the episodes. According to her, her first argument with Frédérick happened much earlier than during her honeymoon. “On a plane because from the start, there were things that… in short, I’ll tell you everything later, always with kindness, trying to be neutral, objective and sincere”reveals the candidate of Married at first sight before revealing that the production would prevent him from “saying certain things”:

“But I won’t lie to you. […] I am told not to say things, but no one will prevent me from telling the truth with respect and kindness”. There is no doubt that fans of Married at first sight now want to know more because Émilie has already said too much…

See also: “Married at first sight”: a candidate asks for an “exotic” husband


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