Émilie Fiorelli, winner of Secret Story 9, makes major revelations about her relationship with Mbaye Niang

After a four-year relationship, Emilie Fiorelli and Mbaye Niang decided to separate in July 2022. “To make it short, I was no longer in love. Even if of course with children, you want to believe it. I didn’t have to overcome a breakup, I chose this breakup”she revealed at the beginning of the year to her community on the reasons for this separation.

A few months later, the young woman of 32 years decided to detail this story (which will not have been a long calm river) which made her suffer so much. It’s on his account instagram, which the winner of the ninth season of Secret Story revealed to have been “dirty”, “humiliated”, “beaten” and “cheated” by the striker of AJ Auxerre. “I feel harassed because of the behavior of my ex-spouse, people constantly come to talk to me about him. It’s time that you understand some things to leave me in peace. I need to rebuild myself live my life away from a narcissistic pervert“, she explained.

“I suffered much more than deception. But the violence (beatings, bites, burns) stop and in addition to boasting about it, it is downright very serious! (…) I was able to discover the person with whom I was ‘fucking’ (sorry for the vulgarity) a girl in his phone because he is filming himself, it’s funny apparently! I have proof of everything. I have pictures of everything and I knew one day I was going to freak out. I’m heading straight for a burnout. I was just prey, now I’m getting cured”she continued, showing screenshots of the conversation. “Now you can understand why I am being treated!”. She says she has “suffered though deception but violence (beatings, bites, burns)”added the mother of Farrell and Louna, insisting on one thing: “Don’t talk to me about him again!”

See also: Émilie Fiorelli deceived by M’Baye Niang? Shocking accusations…

Adam Javal-Fauconnier

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