Emilie Fiorelli sick since she was 17 and operated: “The pain has intensified”

It was in 2015 thatEmilie Fiorelli (32 years old) was revealed to the general public in Secret Story. She had notably shared the adventure with her twin Loïc, with Rémi Notta (with whom she was in a relationship) or even Ali and Alia. Since then, it is on Instagram that she shares her adventure. And on August 9, 2022, she gave herself up to an illness which she suffers from and which sometimes makes her life hard.

Like Julia Paredes, Laetitia Milot or even Enora Malagré, the former companion of M’Baye Niang is suffering from endometriosis. A gynecological disease that can affect fertility. From time to time, Emilie Fiorelli confides on the subject. During his question and answer session yesterday, a user wanted to know more. He indeed asked him if this had had any consequences on the fertility of the mother of Louna (4 years old) and Farrell (2 years old). “My gynecologist diagnosed me with this disease when I was 17 years old. I had surgery to relieve the pain. Luckily, it did not impact my fertility. On the other hand, since I became a mother, I suffer from it much more.first wrote the Marseillaise.

Emilie Fiorelli then clarified that “the pain intensified“Since she gave birth. Something she never would have thought.”And I’m not well at all when I’m expecting my period. I’m in pain, I have hot flashes and on top of that, I’m totally venerable for no reason. When I am indisposed, I have pain. And the worst thing is the pains I have in my legs whenever I’m indisposed. (…) In short, it swells me more and more“, she concluded. Like all women who are affected, she will unfortunately have to live with this disease because, to date, no definitive treatment has been found.

A year ago, Emilie Fiorelli confided in this painful subject. “I am in a period where I have strong attacks of endometriosis. I’m not very present because I’m in a lot of pain. I’m not in shape at all. But in a few days it will be fine“, she had explained.

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