Emilie Fiorelli operated and transplanted: she reveals her huge scar in the back

While digging through her archives on Thursday January 20, 2022, Emilie Fiorelli found a photo dating back a few years and captured just two weeks later. major surgery. In the image she shared in story Instagram, the young woman appears lying down and from behind and her impressive scar is highlighted, which extends from the bottom of her neck to her pelvis (see our slideshow). A scar she has lived with ever since.

After unveiling this shot, Emilie Fiorelli told her story, she who suffered from painful scoliosis. “I had progressive scoliosis, I had risen to 42° and so they operated on me to straighten my spine with rods, screws and hooks“, she explained. At the time, Emilie Fiorelli was 24 years old and hoped to be able to avoid going to the block.”The operation was done ‘lately’ because generally we have scoliosis surgery around 16/17 years old, when we are at the end of growth. You must know that I wore a corset for years, I practiced a lot of sport and did physiotherapy sessions but my scoliosis being progressive, I could not miss the operation.”

I lived a long time complexed

The operation was only the beginning of his fight to regain a normal life because after “ten days“in the hospital to recover where she ended up”anemic“, Emilie Fiorelli had to begin a long period of several weeks of rehabilitation in a specialized center. Fortunately, his efforts paid off. “When I discovered my straight back I felt like crying, I lived for a long time complexed with this back while no one noticed my scoliosis but I had the impression that at the beach everyone was watching my back“, she recalled.

On the other hand, Emilie Fiorelli said today had no complex vis-à-vis her scar on her back. She is the same”proud“. What’s more, his condition has stabilized and the former reality TV contestant “do not deprive yourself of anything“.”I practice sports, I ski…, she assured. My hardware has not moved. I had a bone graft on top and since December 2014 everything is fine.“Besides, the following year in 2015, she participated in season 9 of Secret Story which she won.

Emilie Fiorelli specifies in passing that she suffered from a “hereditary scoliosis“. Her mother had to be operated on before her. The ex of M’Baye Niang now hopes that her two children, Louna (3 years old) and Farrell (1 year and a half), will be spared.

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