Emilie Fiorelli: Her daughter Louna has a badly damaged face after a small accident, a photo revealed

The days go by and are unfortunately alike for Emilie Fiorelli. After her son Farrell (1 year old), it was the turn of her daughter Louna (3 years old) to be the victim of a small accident and therefore to have her face damaged afterwards. A misadventure that the winner of Secret Story 9 (2015) shared in an Instagram story, Monday March 21, 2022.

It is in the Hautes-Alpes that Emilie Fiorelli has put down her suitcases to enjoy a ski holiday with her children, but also her twin brother Loïc. The latter is a ski instructor and was therefore certainly eager to supervise his nephew and niece. But not everything went as planned at the beginning of the stay. While she was sledding, little Louna had a sledding accident. “Since Louna was jealous of her brother’s bandage on her forehead – she doesn’t understand that it’s not a game but I think that when you’re little, you all want a cast, glasses, weird stuff like that – it’s his turn to have hurt himself. I will show you, she scratched her whole face falling in the snow. They were with my niece on the toboggan and when I stopped filming, they passed to the side. And when she fell my daughter didn’t have the reflex to put her hands up, so it was her face that rubbed against the super hard snow at the end of the day that scratched. I have two children, two crippled“, confided the beautiful blonde of 32 years.

Emilie Fiorelli then shared a photo in which Louna actually has certain parts of her face well scratched. She then filmed herself with Farrell to show her beautiful undressed wound, located at the level of the forehead. “Here are his two little points“, she launched.

As a reminder, the little boy had a terrible fall on the stairs, as his mother had told him on March 19. A traumatic moment for the former companion of M’Baye Niang: “He bangs his head against the stairs. (…) When I pick it up, its forehead is open and it starts to pee blood (…) I call my brother, it was flowing like never before. My son was screaming (…) I am useless in these situations, I felt bad. I feel unwell when I’m not afraid of blood it’s never happened to me but since it’s my child I didn’t know how to manage.“Farrell was quickly rushed to the emergency room and escaped with two stitches.

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