emergency services on alert



Article written by

N. Fleury, J. Benzina, T. Breton, N. Titonel – France 2

France Televisions

Emergency services received people who suffered from overheating temperatures. All medical services are on alert, including doctors and firefighters. Report in Bordeaux (Gironde).

Maximum alert for firefighters in Bordeaux (Gironde). With 39°C in the shade, the interventions follow one another. In the city center, they take care of a young woman who suffered heatstroke as she left her air-conditioned workplace.I think that on leaving work she was confronted with the high temperature. This is typically the type of operation that we might be able to encounter given the weather conditions.“, explains Commander Matthieu Jomaincommunications officer Sdis from the Gironde.

In one room, firefighters receive 450 emergency calls every day from across the department. On Friday June 17, in the center of Bordeaux alone, they intervened 40 times, often for heat-related discomfort. Doctor Brisset regularly visits his most vulnerable patients. Next night, temperatures are not expected to drop below 24°C.

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