Host and documentary filmmaker Léa Clermont-Dion was hospitalized and had emergency surgery at Charles-Le Moyne Hospital. The cause of his illness? A large cyst and ovarian torsion that risked leading to ovarian necrosis.
Léa Clermont-Dion confides in a very personal way – and for preventive purposes – in her most recent Instagram post made up of photos of her in the hospital and memos.
Screenshot of Léa Clermont-Dion’s Instagram account
Screenshot of Léa Clermont-Dion’s Instagram account
“I had been feeling stab wounds in my lower right back near an ovary for a few months. I didn’t dare consult – not wanting to disturb our already largely mobilized teams,” she wrote, emphasizing the gentleness and kindness with which she was cared for.
The 32-year-old mother explains that she was diagnosed with two ovarian cysts during her first visit to the emergency room, then went home with anti-inflammatories in her pocket. Unfortunately, her condition deteriorated to the point where she could no longer sleep and had difficulty sitting.
She returned to emergency following a very painful attack. It was at this time that she was taken care of and the diagnosis fell.
The risk of necrosis incurred meant the death of the ovary possibly causing fertility problems “and other hormonal inconveniences”.
“The moral of this story, adds Léa Clermont-Dion, who is one of the two directors behind the documentary film. Hail Bitch: Misogyny in the Digital Age. Let’s take girls with stomachaches seriously. It is essential to open the dialogue and raise awareness of women’s health problems such as ovarian cysts, polycystic ovary syndrome, endometriosis.”
According to the woman who wants to take the time to rest in May, it is important to break taboos in order to allow women to benefit from adequate care and preserve their health.