Emergency aid granted to victims of domestic violence, amounting to 600 euros on average, will be “generalized from December 1”, the Minister of Solidarity and Families announced on Monday.
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“It is already a recognition of the reality of what women experience when they have to leave a violent partner”, estimates Anne-Cécile Mailfert, the president of the Women’s Foundation, invited Monday November 20 on franceinfo. She was reacting to the announcement by the Minister of Solidarity and Families Aurore Bergé on France Inter of the generalization of emergency financial aid for victims of domestic violence, amounting to 600 euros on average. It will be issued by the Family Allowance Funds against proof.
For Anne-Cécile Mailfert, when female victims leave, “They will leave with a small bundle under their arm and they will need access to resources […] They really need help and support at this time.”. She “I really hope that the associations will work hand in hand with the State for the deployment of this aid. Otherwise, we are afraid that this will be a system on which there will be a lot of non-use.”
franceinfo: Does this device seem correctly sized to you? Does it meet the needs?
Anne-Cécile Mailfert: The needs are immense, so unfortunately, we cannot say that this aid will meet all the needs. But in any case, what is certain is that it is already a recognition of the reality of what women experience when they have to leave a violent partner. When they leave, often in a hurry, they will leave with a small bundle under their arm and they will need access to resources.
“There is often economic violence within the couple, so they do not necessarily have access to their own salary and they will need a few hundred euros for the first days, really to facilitate the departure.”
Anne-Cécile Mailfert, president of the Women’s Foundationat franceinfo
In practice, does this seem feasible to you, particularly at the level of Family Allowance Funds (CAF)?
I cannot speak for the CAF, but what is certain is that local associations will of course relay this system, so it is absolutely necessary that women victims of violence who wish to access this system speak about it. to associations near them who could support their requests. We really hope that the associations will work hand in hand with the State in the deployment of this aid. Otherwise, we fear that it will be a system for which there will be a lot of non-take-up, that is to say on which there are many women who need it but who in fact do not use it. .
To have access to it, you must provide the CAF with proof of less than twelve months attesting to domestic violence. What could this proof be?
We are currently in discussions with the government because until now, what has been taken into account is a protection order, which is given by a family affairs judge, or a complaint. And we know that women really need to be able to have this kind of help immediately, that we should not wait for the complaint, not wait for the protection order which can sometimes unfortunately take weeks to complete. arrive.
What do you recommend?
What we would really like is for specialized associations to be able to issue this type of proof. At the moment, this is not the case.
“Associations, like the Women’s Foundation, help women every day, support them, and are therefore really best placed to make the link between this type of system and women victims of violence and understand their needs.”
Anne-Cécile Mailfert, president of the Women’s Foundationat franceinfo
We therefore really hope that local associations are involved so that we avoid wasting months and months and that it not only has the effect of a nice announcement, but that it changes their lives and that they can really, simply, and effectively have access to this amount of money.
But the needs are enormous and the obstacle to leaving is not just financial?
No, there are obstacles from different aspects. There is a psychological barrier that needs to be removed, it is control. Then, there are a whole bunch of obstacles that the spouse will knowingly put around women to prevent them from leaving: money, accommodation or childcare. There can also be blackmail with pets, or with family furniture. A whole bunch of blackmail which is done to really prevent them from leaving as much as possible. And then there is the threat of death too.
We know that femicides often occur in the days and weeks following an effective separation. So if we can unlock some of the barriers that are put in place by violent spouses, that’s really the objective.