Emergency doctor Gérald Kierzek gets carried away on Twitter about the health crisis in France

What is the situation in France in the face of the health crisis? After a sharp decline in the epidemic at the start of the year, which led to the abandonment of many health restrictions, the number of new cases recorded daily has started to increase again.

Several scientists have expressed their concern. On his account Twitterthis Monday, April 4, the emergency doctor Gérald Kierzek indicated that the “end of wave” of the epidemic “is likely, until the next one”.“Let’s be factual, stop with the ‘waves’, to count the cases, and above all to panic”he wrote. “Let’s live with the virus, not against it”, he added. The 48-year-old lamented, “the same difficulties in the hospital”with a situation that would be “Worse and worse” without forgetting to qualify it as the missed appointment of “presidential to address the real causes”.

Get out of collective hysteria”

He gave an interview with Le FigaroMonday, March 28 th. “It’s time to come to your senses and get out of the collective hysteria”dropped the health consultant of TF1. “It is urgent to change the paradigm and to consider that the circulation of the virus in the general population does not pose any problems provided that protective measures are targeted for the oldest and / or fragile”.

He also sent a message to whoever will triumph in the 2022 presidential elections. Namely: the failure of the prevention policy in France (aging better, in better health and with a diet that strengthens the immune system) and the impoverishment of our health system, hospitals in particular”while advocating “a major reform”.

The first round will be held on April 10 with 12 candidates on the starting line before a second round which will see the two candidates who will collect the most votes compete on April 24.

See also: Zapping: Corona beer suffers from Coronavirus!


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