Emergency crisis, Mélenchon at Matignon and the ambitions of the RN … The “8:30 franceinfo” by Sébastien Chenu

Sébastien Chenu, spokesperson for the Rassemblement National and president of the RN group at the cregional council of Hauts-de-France was the guest of the 8:30 of franceinfo Sunday, May 29. The deputy from the North replied to questions from Ersin Leibowitch and Saveria Rojek.

The government “is not at the level”

“Elisabeth Borne’s word does not print at all, there has been a power vacuum for a month, denounces Sébastien Chenu. The President of the Republic was elected a month ago: what happened during a month? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.” “It seems, continues the deputy, that the state machine is completely at a standstill, while the French, for a month, suffered from the increase in fuel but also very significant increases in food. I’m thinking of eggs, I’m thinking of tomatoes etc.”

In addition to this aspect of purchasing power, “this government did not anticipate anything“on the crisis affecting emergency services in hospitals, says Sébastien Chenu, spokesperson for the National Rally. 120 emergency services are closed or partially closed in France due to lack of staff, and according to Sébastien Chenu, the government “is not level” to solve this problem.

Three levers“could have been activated by the government, according to the deputy from the North. That of recruitment, first of all:”It can’t be done in a fortnight, but anyway, they’ve been in power for five years!“Then concerning the remuneration of caregivers, “the Ségur did not give satisfaction“, he says, recalling the strike of midwives last November, which was “totally zapped“. Finally, Sébastien Chenu evokes “the organization of hospital management“, and especially “the remedicalization of hospital management“.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon “will never be Prime Minister, possibly the first mytho of France”

“Jean-Luc Melenchoneveryone has understood that he will never be Prime Minister, possibly the first mytho of France“, says Sébastien Chenu, RN deputy and candidate for re-election in the North.

There is no poll that explains that Jean-Luc Mélenchon can win the majority“, adds the regional councilor of Hauts-de-France. The leader of La France insoumise “is rather at the end of his career. He is not even a candidate in these elections. He will not lead the opposition. We want MPs who lead the opposition, to be combative“, and that “advance“particularly on the issue of purchasing power.

The RN recognizes that it is not aiming for a majority in the National Assembly because “the institutions of the Fifth Republic have unfortunately very often given a majority to the elected president, it is a fact, it is difficult to redo the match“, but on the other hand, “from 15 deputies we can counter Emmanuel Macron“, he assures.

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