Emergencies in crisis

The Covid pandemic has revealed the extent of challenges facing the hospital : saturation of certain services, lack of staff, exhaustion of teams, etc.

Emergency services are particularly affected by these tensions. Since the summer, many services have had to restrict their access, and the fall is likely to increase the crisis facing the emergency room. Despite the measures recommended following the flash mission on hospital emergencies, the situation continues to deteriorate.

Geraldine Mayr and the Dr Jimmy Mohamed receive Mathias Wargon, head of the emergency department at the Delafontaine hospital in Saint-Denis in Seine-Saint-Denis. It is in this service that the director Éric Guéret followed the emergency team: First Emergenciesthe documentary film made from this immersion, will be released on November 16, 2022.

With Mathias Wargon, they evoke the reasons that led to this situation and the solutions to be provided as quickly as possible to unclog the emergency services and guarantee access to quality care for everyone.

Medical news and questions from listeners

Today, Hello Doctor talks to us about cancer prevention campaign which has just started in France, but also from wearing a mask which is no longer compulsory at the Lille University Hospital.

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